The Fascist Assault on Congress, January 6, 2021:


lifeworlds or Cartesian selves?
Globalization is the elephant in the room

"How the White Working Class Is Being Destroyed", review in the New York Times of Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism (Princeton, 2020)

Dick Lehr, White Hot Hate: A True Story of Domestic Terrorism in America's Heartland (Mariner Books, 2021)

Andrew Marantz, Anti-Social: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation (Viking, 2019)

Michael Wolff, Landslide: the Final Days of the Trump White House (Holt, 2021), pp. 243-4 (excerpt)

Attempts were made to ascertain occupational status and history; education;
and family/household/network embeddedness.

This page assembles online media accounts of those arrested for their participation in the events of January 6, 2021.  Attempts were made to ascertain occupational status and history; education; and family/household/network embeddedness.  Limitations in the reporting of local media made this extremely difficult; and these limitations (evidence of the disintegration of the biocultural niche of modernity) themselves became a discovery incidental to the once straightforward process of searching online for biographical information.  Here's are four examples of what I mean:

EXCLUSIVE: Bradford couple face charges connected to Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
Bradford couple went to Capitol riots to "witness history", records show
Dayton-area couple charged in U.S. Capitol riot pleads guilty
Documents: Family member reported Ohio couple in Capitol breach. 

These stories in local media outlets
contain no information at all about the lifeworlds (occupational status and history; education; and family/household/network embeddedness) of the local arrestees.

At the right is a Guardian June 27, 2021 story about a Trump rally held in Wellington, Ohio.  Notice the crisp reporting and the provision of basic occupational information about the six rally attendees the reporter interviewed.   This kind of reporting is almost entirely absent from local American news sources. While there were some exceptions (otherwise this would be a blank page), overall, instead of information about the arrestees we found evidence of the disintegration of the biocultural niche of modernity.

A Journalistic Benchmark
"‘He’s not a quitter’: faithful out in force as Trump gets back to the campaign trail," the Guardian June 27, 2021 Wellington, Ohio

The Guardian reported on interviews with six attendees at this post-riot rally held by Donald Trump.  Below is the occupational information obtained by the reporter. 

Deborah Wagner, 55a retired court clerk

Gary Bartlett, 65
a retired manual worker at General Motors

Randy Weld, 53
a self-employed carpenter

David Snell, 55
a logistics specialist

Gary Sherrill, 65
a concrete mixer driver

Rose Kidd, 63
a retired nurse

Materials Herein Assembled I: Arrestees,

1. Mob at Capitol  this is a raw and incomplete PDF that was the basis for discussions between PF and RB that led to a series of reconceptualizations, methodological as well as substantive.  The failure of much of local journalism to provide basic facts re. employment (occupation and industry) led me to cut short my efforts to do all 212 individuals that I was working with.  As it turned out, this was sufficient material to think about, analyze, and draw conclusions from.

2. Regional breakdowns.  This was the second step in arriving at the tables of arrestees from selected states that became the basis for the comments on this page:

As we review states and other datasets in the right-hand column, it will become increasingly evident that the analysis out of the University of Chicago (and mainstream media coverage in general) fails to comprehend the major features of the dataset
Arrests Arising out of the Assault on Congress.  On the other hand, the five text referenced above right are consistent with our findings.

Some Arrestees from the Jan. 6th, 2021
Assault on the Capitol

New Jersey (n=9)
Tennessee (n=10)
Minnesota (n=3)
Florida (n=19)
Michigan (n=14)

Ohio (n=38) (special ethnographic analysis)

Oathkeepers (n=14)
Proud Boys (n=13)

post-riot journalism Reuters: n=9 (or 7)

the Rittenhouse events: n=4

the Guardian story: a twofold journalistic benchmark

the Trump jury in New York: a journalistic benchmark

3. three telephone threats

Eric Swalwell
Fred Upton
Debbie Dingell

4.  seven telephone threats ‘I will come for you:’ NYC judge reveals threats sent to his office after Trump’s online harassment

5. Wolf breakdown of GOP

6. Being-in-the-World: three 'events'

Royal Oak grocery store

Elite Academic and Journalistic Institutions Get It Wrong

Below is a statement by the principal invevestigator of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats, Dr. Robert A. Pape, that appeared in the New York Times of April 6, 2021:

“You see a common pattern in the Capitol insurrectionists. They are mainly middle-class to upper-middle-class whites who are worried that, as social changes occur around them, they will see a decline in their status in the future.”

At the right are two New York Times and one Atlantic article containing this statement and similar sociological statements that appeared in the respectable press.  The heading I have subsumed these articles under is

Attempts were NOT made to ascertain occupational status and history; education;
and family/household/network embeddedness of the arrestees

My segway into our findings involves looking more closely at the only details provided by
the Chicago Project on Security and Threats to illustrate the general statement that these arrestees were "mainly middle-class to upper-middle-class whites."  These details appear on page 11 of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats report.

Although the authors of this report did not include the names of the individuals refered to on page 11 of the U of C report, I found almost all of them in my partial dataset.  I also included  two arrrestees not mentioned in the U/C report, but who actually could be described as middle-class to upper-middle-class.  Information not suplied in the U/C report is highlighted.

  North American Industry Classification System (U.S. Census Bureau)
   Standard Occupational Classification System (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Attempts were NOT made to ascertain occupational status and history; education;
and family/household/network embeddedness of the arrestees

1. "From Navy SEAL to Part of the Angry Mob Outside the Capitol," the New York Times (January 26, 2021):

One striking aspect of the angry crowd at the Capitol was how many of its members seemed to come not from the fringes of American society but from white picket-fence Main Street backgrounds — firefighters and real estate agents, a marketing executive and a Town Council member.

2. The Capitol Rioters Aren’t Like Other Extremists, by Dr. Robert A. Pape, principal investigator, and Dr. Kevin Ruby, senior research director,* (the Atlantic, Febuary 2, 2021):

40 percent are business owners or hold white-collar jobs. Unlike the stereotypical extremist, many of the alleged participants in the Capitol riot have a lot to lose. They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed.

3. "Fears of White People Losing Out Permeate Capitol Rioters’ Towns, Study Finds", NYT 4-6-21

“If you look back in history, there has always been a series of far-right extremist movements responding to new waves of immigration to the United States or to movements for civil rights by minority groups,” Mr. Pape said. “You see a common pattern in the Capitol insurrectionists. They are mainly middle-class to upper-middle-class whites who are worried that, as social changes occur around them, they will see a decline in their status in the future.”

  *The University of Chicago, Division of the Social Sciences, the Chicago Project on Security and Threats: The Face of American Insurrection: Right-Wing Organizations Evolving into a Violent Mass Movement (Update of 2=5=21).

work space
Marsha Murphy
Amer-I-CAN Enterprises

18800 State Hwy 37, Hinton, Oklahoma (about 10 miles east of Hinton)

between Hinton (pop. 3,000) and Oklahoma City

Murphy lived in Tucson until recently, when she moved to Oklahoma to run an ammunition sales business.
She’s had previous trouble with the law in Arizona. In 2002, she was arrested at a Peoria bar for refusing to leave.
Court records also show she was arrested for assaulting a police officer.
She pleaded no contest and got two years probation. She later got the charge wiped from her record.

(Bradley Ruskelas)

Cognesia. 1-10 empl.
GOOGLE maps: Closed

(Ryan Nichols)
Wholesale Universe CLOSED
(Jacob Hiles)
  Owns a fishing boat
The four "business owners" could be described as marginal, phantom
They simply are not the the kind of ontologically well-determined objects (occupation/property ownership) implied in the statement: "They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants."

page 11 of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats report
The University of Chicago, Division of the Social Sciences, the Chicago Project on Security and Threats

4. The Face of American Insurrection: Right-Wing Organizations Evolving into a Violent Mass Movement The University of Chicago, Division of the Social Sciences, the Chicago Project on Security and Threats: (Update of 2=5=21).  In their report, the authors provide examples of these "CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants":

Business Owner: 13%

        –  Owner, Ameri-I-Can Ammo 
(Marsha Murphy)
        –  CEO,marketingfirmCogensia
(Bradley Ruskelas)
        –  Owner, Wholesale Universe, Inc. (Ryan Nichols)
        –  Owner, Matador Sport Fishing (Jacob Hiles)

White-Collar: 28%

        –  Google Field Operations Specialist
(Daniel Goodwyn, Anthime Joseph Gionet)
        –  Regional Portfolio Manager at BB&T Bank  (Christopher Stanton Georgia)
        –  Doctors
(Simone Gold and John Strand)
        Attorney (William McCall Calhoun Jr., Stewart Rhodes)
        – Architects

Not mentioned in U of C study

       Physicist (Jeffrey Sabol)
       Kissing Tree Vineyards (Christoper RayGrider)

the highest status corporate exec: – Regional Portfolio Manager at BB&T Bank (Georgia, Christopher Stanton suicide)--committed suicided two days after he was arrested.

America’s Frontline Doctors:

As we add states and other datasets in the right-hand column, it will become increasingly evident that this analysis out of the University of Chicago (and "mainstream" (corporate) media coverage in general) fails to comprehend the major features of the dataset Arrests Arising out of the Assault on Congress.**

Summary of Findings
We sorted the arrestees by state and organization.  Among the states and organizations we looked at, the Oathkeeepers were the most "middle class."  They are a general manager at a car dealership, a self-employed carpenter, a window washer, a tatoo parlor owner, the owner of a marginal day-car facility, and a former police officer.  The outlier in this table--and that by a long-shot--is Stewart Rhodes, Yale Law School, clerk for an Arizona Supreme Court Justice, and a staffer for Ron Paul.

What we found was a population in the process of marginalization.  The instability in their lives was manifested in the difficulty of category formation.  The standard occupational and industry classifications* are inadequate, indeed misleading.

Gyms, bars, tatoo parlors, restaurants, salons, and gun shops occur regularly in the entire dataset.  To view the individual owners of these establishments solely in terms of their role as "shop owners" is misleading.  What we are really dealing with is social networks,1 not Cartesian selves. 

Very few of the arrestees were connected to mainstrean occupations and industries: none in manufacturing, none in the building trades, none in the modern corporate sector.

The bottom line: out of the collapse of the economic basis for socialization into adulthood within the psycho-cultural framework provided by white supremacy, there results a prolongation of adolescent sadism (Goldberg and Weitz).  Thus, about one third of the arrestees were employed in the performative domain of "legitimate" violence: military, police, security guards.

Another third were low-wage service workers in very small establishments.

Above all, many of the arrestees come across as grifters.  Indeed, the GOP is a party dominated by grifters.  Commentators on "late" or "postmodern" capitalism, themselves caught up in semiotic regime of the Two-Party System, are blind to the obvious: a fatal collision between the culture of late capitalism and the institutions of late capitalism (see a  tsunami of corporate opposition to Trump's coup attempt, reported but not comprehended by major media).  Thus, at the very last moment in the GOP Jihad against modernity, the whole mass of modern capitalist institutions made its displeasure with the threat to the neoliberal state and rallied to the defense of that state

The GOP's "base" is different.  Michael Wolff provides us with a nuanced view of the GOP mainstream (provincial middle classes) base. LINK

The Guardian provides us  with a view of the GOP's working class electorate
1. Dick Lehr, White Hot Hate: A True Story of Domestic Terrorism in America's Heartland (Mariner Books, 2021)

Part Two: List of Arrestees

New Jersey:
Lifeworlds (Dasein) or Cartesian Selves?

This already gives us a sense of the kind of problems the researcher has when dealing with a population in the process of marginalization.  The instability in their lives is manifest in the difficulty of category formation.  The single word that could encompass this set of individuals is marginal.  Better, the data presented on this page should be understood dynamically as artifacts generated by the process of marginalization that is one of the chief effects of globalization.

   Thus, the University of Chicago study that states that

40 percent are business owners or hold white-collar jobs. Unlike the stereotypical extremist, many of the alleged participants in the Capitol riot have a lot to lose. They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed.

fundamentally misunderstands this.

New Jersey's data (n=9) illustrates this problem of categorization. 

At first thought the occupational classification cosmetologist (SOC 39-5012  Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists) should not pose a problem to the conventional scheme of categorization.  From the standpoint of agency, however (and thus, from a hermeneutical standpoint), Abual-Ragheb's occupation seems less relevant than her statements and her participation in the New Jersey chapter of the American Patriots 3% and in her right-wing chat rooms. 

Thomas Baranyi went into basic training for the U.S. Marine Corps but was discharged.  Without any occupation listed in the local media (or anywhere accessible) Baranyi is beneath the radar, and also a failure at his attempt to enter the Performative Domain of "Legitimate" Violence.  In this he can be taken as a poster boy for the condition of marginality that is such a  prominent feature of our dataset. 

Scott Fairlamb, gym owner (NAICS 713940 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers) and martial artist.  Gyms and bars and salons occur regularly in the entire dataset.  But what one also finds is that--at least in the case of gyms and bars--what we are really dealing with is social networks.  But Fairlamb is also a mixed martial artist.  Does this mean that he should be subsumed under the category performative domain of "legitimate" violence?  Possibly, even likely.  But we are still in the early stages of our analysis.

Leonard Guthrie, street preacher--how should we conceptualize this case?  In our working dataset, the Mob at the Capitol, we developed the temporary category of phantom.  What we came up with after much discussion was the category of grifter.  (Herman Melville: the Confidence Man)  Donald Trump is perhaps the world's greatest grifter. 

Hale-Cusanelli is more straightforward: a white supremacist and a Nazi sympathizer who stabbed a man, was a regular poster on anti-Semitic social media groups, and has served in the U.S. Army since 2009.  Thus, he is subsumed under the category  performative domain of "legitimate" violence

Stefanie Hazelton is also more straighforward, or so it seems.  A prominent right-wing activist from South Jersey, an organizer against New Jersey's shutdown orders, active in the anti-vaxxer movement, and the founder of New Jersey for Medical Freedom, the state chapter of an anti-vaccine network.  This case is easily subsumable under the category Politico.

Note that, while she is not a gym owner, she was one of the loudest supporters of Atilis Gym.  Given the point already made re. Fairlamb, what we are really dealing with is social networks.  Indeed, Stefanie Hazelton should be thought of as part of the cadre of right-wing politicos, and the social networks she is in contact with as her base.  There are many of these political cadre in the by now predominantly fascist GOP.  I don't know her occupational classification

Then we have Patrick Stedman, a self-described “dating [and] relationship strategist.”  Grifter?  This is a good example of the grifter's chief characterstic: self-invention and fraud.

The two correctional  officers, Suarez and Todisco, could be subsumed under
SOC classification 33-3012 (Correctional Officers and Jailers).  From the standpoint of agency, however, we realized the necessity of creating a new category: Performative Domain of "Legitimate" Violence.  The video of Derek Chauvin killing George Floyd provides a glimpse of the inner workings of this domain at its most extreme.

New Jersey: N=9 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
Abual-Ragheb, Rasha N.

In November 2020, a Facebook account with display name Rasha Abu participated in Facebook and Telegram group chats involving the New Jersey chapter of the American Patriot 3%. In the Facebook chat, user Rasha Abu advised the revolution will start not by standing by but by standing up. In addition, she advised civil war is coming and they need to show support, and rise up and fight for our Constitution.
Baranyi, Thomas
graduated Trenton State College
In a Facebook post, Baranyi’s father said his son graduated from the College of New Jersey, joined the Peace Corps, and also went into basic training for the U.S. Marine Corps but was discharged.
From 2018 to 2020, he served in the Peace Corps in Albania.
On December 22, 2020, his father took to Facebook to say they have not seen each other in person since 2017.
went into basic training for the U.S. Marine Corps but was discharged.

Fairlamb, Scott
a New Jersey gym owner, Fairlamb held a protest at his Pompton Lakes gym in May in response to Gov. Murphy’s coronavirus restrictions.
Fairlamb, a mixed martial artist who turned pro in 2000, owned and operated Fairlamb Fit in Pompton Lakes. The gym's website has been taken down and the phone number is disconnected. Social media accounts for both Fairlamb and his co-workers have been removed.
gym owner
martial artist
Guthrie, Leonard
(married with a daughter; identified himself as a street preacher.
His father told a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter that his son went to the rally as the chaplain for a group that met in Washington to "pray and support President Trump and the whole movement.”
a street preacher
Hale-Cusanelli, Timothy Lewis
He is an white supremacist and a Nazi sympathizer, according to an informant who contacted Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) special agent Daniel J. Meyers on January 12, 2021. The informant is enrolled as a confidential human source (CHS) with the NCIS.

He has served in the U.S. Army since 2009 but has never deployed.
In 2011, when he was 19 years old, he was arrested after stabbing a man he and his mother were living with in Pepperidge Court, Jackson, New Jersey. With a wound to the abdomen, the victim underwent surgery in the Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune Township, New Jersey.
As a contractor at Naval Weapons Station Earle, he maintains a secret security clearance and has access to a variety of munitions. He is enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves. He is a human resources specialist with the 174th Infantry Brigade at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Trenton, New Jersey.
He was a regular poster on anti-Semitic social media groups Jackson Strong and Rise Up Ocean County.
Hazelton, Stephanie aliases Ayla Wolf and Ayla Wolfe
a prominent right-wing activist from South Jersey, one of the loudest supporters of Atilis Gym, that Bellmawr business that refused to follow New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s shutdown orders.
Hazelton has helped organize protests against New Jersey’s shutdown orders and is active in the anti-vaxxer movement.
Hazelton’s LinkedIn says she is the founder of New Jersey for Medical Freedom, the state chapter of an anti-vaccine network.
Stedman, Patrick Alonzo
a self-described “dating [and] relationship strategist”
In addition to offering relationship advice and touting his $500 master class—which he claims is the “fastest and most effective way to change your outcomes with women”—Stedman frequently writes about political topics and his affinity for Trump.
Suarez, Marissa A.
worked as a correctional police officer in Monmouth County since 2019 but resigned after her arrest.  At the time, Suarez was a probationary corrections officer at the Monmouth County Corrections Facility
correctional police officer
Todisco, Patricia
the performative domain of “legitimate” violence
pdlv   PDO"L"V      PDLV
correctional police officer

Matthew Bledsoe, owner of Primetime Movers, accreditation suspended by the Better Buseiness Bureau, accused of assaulting his wife.  See photos.

Jack Jesse Griffith.  Griffith went on to promote his social media handles and Trump video game.

Eric Munchel.   The researcher is in luck.  A local activist journalism group produced this.  Read it.  Munchel currently lives in Nashville.  This is the whole ball of wax: he inflates his occupational status, is connected to the Performative Domain of "Legitimate" Violence, and hangs out with local Proud Boys and Qanon conspiracy theorists.  Check out the photos.  This whole ball of wax cannot be reduced to an occupational classification.

Blake Austin Reed's work history is more revealing than his occupation (superintendent) alone.  This is one of the chief characteristics of the life-world vector  we could name marginality.

Ronald Sandlin.  Read the info in table at the right.  A sad sack in debt.

Eric Torrens is part of the network that includes Bledsoe and Griffin.

Padilla once had a job.

Roche is a waiter

Ronnie B. Presley: beneath the radar

Bryan Wayne Ivey: beneath the radar

 we list under the category beneath the radar.  There is probably something a real local journalist could have found out about these two, but journalism ain't what is used to be.

As the old America--Christian America--dies a sociocultural death*, it is being replaced by newer populations capable, for now, of cognitive development--see "Asian workers now dominate Silicon Valley tech jobs" (San Jose Mercury News, 11-30-12.)
*see The Immigrant Advantage, by Anand Giridharadas in The New York Times of May 24, 2014.

Eric Swalwell
Fred Upton
Debbie Dingell

Tennessee: N=10 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
hermeneutical materials
fuzzy set categories
Matthew Bledsoe
•He is the owner of Primetime Movers
•BBB:  the company's accreditation was suspended due to failure to respond to one or more customer complaints filed with the BBB.
•He was accused of kicking in the front door of his home in Cordova, chasing his wife Kathryn Bledsoe, picking her up by her throat and slamming her onto the floor.

Jack Jesse Griffith
“I’m not a domestic terrorist,” Griffith said. “For all the people slandering, libeling, mislabeling my name, I’m a citizen I had nothing to do with any violence, vandalism, and I love all my fellow citizens.”
Griffith went on to promote his social media handles and Trump video game.  “Have an exuberant evening,” he said, as he hopped in a car to leave.
Eric Munchel
Munchel currently lives in Nashville most likely working at Kid Rock’s Big Honky Tonk bar downtown. He was accused of assaulting a man and woman in 2013.  He lists his profession as a bartender but Kid Rock’s doesn’t hire male bar staff. This means he is likely working in the kitchen or security. With his connections to others in private security, that could very well be his role there. No record of military service has been found. . . . He spent his summer hanging out with local Proud Boys* and Qanon conspiracy theorists
Blake Austin Reed
From 2004 to 2009, he attended the University of Memphis in Memphis, Tennessee where he earned his bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership.
From 2012 to October 2013, he was the superintendent of Bluff City Operations‘ human resources management.
From February 2014 to November 2015, he was a superintendent at Regent Homes in Nolensville, Tennessee.
From November 2015 to September 2017, he was a project manager at Blalock Homes in Franklin, Tennessee.
From April 2018 to October 2019, he was a senior project manager at Vintage South Development in Nashville.
He owns Black Lion Brokers, which he established in November 2017 and is based in Nashville.

There is a Black Lion Realty in Nasvhille, NOT Black Lion Brokers
Ronald L. Sandlin
Ronald L. Sandlin, 33, a self-styled internet blogger and protest organizer from Tennessee, sobbed loudly and at one point blurted out, “Judge, have mercy on me,” during his videoconference detention hearing on multiple charges arising from the Jan. 6 breach at the Capitol.
How To Write Copy That Turns Into Cash - AWOL Elite Conference

 On December 31, 2020, he took to Facebook to announce that he was “organizing a caravan of patriots” who were going to Washington D.C., USA to “stand behind” Trump. He shared a link of the GoFundMe page asking for donations for him, Josiah Colt and Nathaniel J. DeGrave and said the three of them had already booked and paid for their trip to Washington, D.C. On January 3, 2020, he revealed on Facebook that their GoFundMe page was deleted.
On January 2, 2021, he wrote on Facebook  that in 2020, he had a “huge financial blow,” “got dumped” by his fiancé, crashed his motorcycle and lost his grandfather.

During a detention hearing in federal court in February 2021, the judge told him he owes $500,000 in back taxes.  In the same month, the I-Team found that no community where he is known to have resided can find a record of him voting in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Eric Chase Torrens
Torrens appeared in an Instagram video with Matthew Bledsoe and Jack Jesse Griffith (GRIFTER network)
Padilla, Joseph Lino
 a company spokesperson for Wacker Chemie plant told us that Padilla worked at their Bradley County plant until 2016.
former worker?
Michael Lee Roche
He works as a server at Farmers Family Restaurant in Murfreesboro
working poor?
Ronnie B. Presley
looked at 10+ local stories: NO INFO RE. WORK!
Bryan Wayne Ivey
looked at 10+ local stories: NO INFO RE. WORK!

It is already clear that in the U.S. fundamentalist whites and blacks (and many working class Catholics) have been disgorged from the project of modernity, and now constitute, by twenty-first century standards, a barely literate mass, concentrated in the central cities, inner suburbs, small towns, and the rural heartland, and removed in toto from the possiblities of cognitive development implied by the term "education."    One can see how useful the concept of zone of proximal influence is, and how complex and fraught with danger is the process of cognitive development.

Minnesota: n=3 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
Victoria White
Larvita McFarquhar, a friend of White.  McFarquhar owns Havens Garden cafe, in Lynd, Minn., where White has worked.

Attorney: Video shows police attacking Trump supporter Victoria White on Jan. 6
marginal working class?
Jonah Westbury
Westbury is from the city of  Lindstrom (University of Mary North Dakota)
a former wrestler for the University of Mary Marauders in Bismarck, N.D.
Jordan K. Stotts
works in nurseries and greenhouses during the summer and travels in his van during the winter.
marginal working class

Eric Swalwell
Fred Upton
Debbie Dingell

Janice Sunderland--On March 27, 2017 Rehema Ellis interviewed Janis Sunderhaus, CEO of Health Partners of Western Ohio.

from “Health Care CEO: ‘People Don’tHave a Real Clear Understanding’ the Services Made Possible by ObamaCare

Ellis: And you have said to me many people don’t even understand where this health care is coming from.  You told me the story of one woman who was helped who was a Trump supporter.  What was her reaction to the fact that she was able to get this health care?

Sunderland: Well, she was able to qualify for the Medicaid expansion, and she said to me, “Thank goodness I didn’t have to get Obamacare.”  And I looked at her and I said, “ Guess what?  This is Obamacare.”  And she was kind of taken aback; and said “Uh!  Well let’s just keep that between you and me.”  So people don’t have a real clear understanding of what types of services have been made possible by the Affordable Care Act passing Medicaid expansion.  This site here has now medical, dental, pharmacy services—that’s all because of Medicaid expansion.

Family Furnishings:  told the patient that her Medicaid coverage was part of Obamacare, the patient said, “we’ll just keep that between ourselves”.  The one read of the expression on J. S.’s face is, ‘You see what the cognitive situation is—. but here, read in with Munro Family Furnishings, re habitus of everyday wherein is enacted patient X’s place in a field of discouse and senibilities

Understanding this cognitive gulf is a prerequisite to understanding “trump”.
Tina Johnson

Roy Moore Accuser Tina Johnson: ‘He Scarred Me For Life’ | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Moore accuser speaks to CNN (full interview)

Florida: N=19 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
Adams, Howard Berton 

Anderson, John Steven
Courthouse records on the Clerk of Court website show ANDERSON involved in contentious divorce litigation alleging  domestic violence, as well as dismissed charges of assault, and fines paid for driving without wearing a seatbelt, driving with an expired license tag.

Biggs, Joseph Randall
Proud Boys, Ormond Beach, Florida.  is supporting his ex-wife and child
Camargo, Samuel
Like many of the MAGA fanatics who have been arrested in the two weeks since the insurrection, Samuel Camargo implicated himself by bragging about his participation on social media, authorities said.

Counsil, Matthew
A Tampa Bay resident

Curzio, Michael
spent time in prison for attempted murder.VIOLENCE VIOLENCE
Garcia, Gabriel Augustin
ran as a Republican in District 116 in Miami-Dade
a former U.S. Army captain, ran for Florida House District 116 as a Trump backer.
a student at Gallaudet University
Katherine Jankowski, his mother, was formerly an administrator at Gallaudet.

Honeycutt, Adam Avery, 39
works as a bail bondsman in Northeast Florida
Honeycutt has three prior arrests on charges of drug possession, domestic battery and breach of peace, but he was only found guilty of that last charge.
Johnson, Adam
Johnson Is a Stay at Home Father Who Makes Furniture
Maldonado, Steven Omar
Maldonado alias Emilio Maldonado is a Puerto Rico native and lives in Palm Bay, Brevard County, Florida, according to Conan Daily. Previously, he was arrested for a couple of misdemeanors in 1998 and is a real estate sales associate. The site also listed him as a diver and he worked at the Treasure Coast Dive Charters as a boat captain where he offered diving and spearfishing trips on the Treasure Coast in Florida.

Mariotto, Anthony R. (aka, Tony Mariotto)
fort pierce

PERT, Rachael Lynn

Pert, who is the assistant manager of a Circle K convenience store in Middleberg, requested time off work to go D.C. with Winn. “We’re on our way to DC because us as American patriots, we’re tired of this shit,” Winn allegedly said in their live-stream. “It’s time to make a stand. I never really knew how deep and corrupt all this crap was and how far back it’s gone. But American needs to wake up. We’re on the verge of fucking losing it.”

RIVERA, Jesus (aka, JD Rivera, Jesus Delmora Rivera)
U.S. Marines (Former)

Stepakoff leads Temple New Jerusalem, a Messianic synagogue in Palm Harbor. He is also a former attorney.
Palm Harbor, Florida, rabbi

Sweet, Douglas
She said Douglas was a self-employed man who does "handyman stuff" but spends most of his time with his extremist groups.  attended the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville
see photo!
“The Daughter Of A Trump Rioter Arrested At The Capitol Says She Is "Ashamed And Disgusted””

Douglas Sweet from Hudgins and Cobbs Creek resident Cindy Fitchett

Weeks, Bradley W., 43
a Clay High School graduate who attended the University of North Florida

WEEKS then sets up his camera to show his face and launches into a speech declaring both the actions he has taken and his intentions. “We’ve reached the steps. We’ve had to climb scaffolding. We’ve had to climb ladders. We’ve had to break things to get through, but we’ve gotten through. We’ve gotten through, and we are going to take back the Capitol! We’re taking back our country! This is our 1776! This is where it’s gonna happen! This is where Tyranny will fall! This is where America will rise! Look at this, America! Look at this!”

firefighter paramedic

WINN, Dana Joe

A Lemon Bay High School graduate
see Pert.

Oathkeepers N=14 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
Kelly Meggs
general manager at a car dealership

Connie Meggs

Kenneth Harrelson
Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson

Donovan Crowl
Marine veteran, militia
a self-employed carpenter
Prosecutors said he does not have a stable address

Jessica Watkins
bartender who runs a self-identified militia, joined by three others in her unit, drove to Washington D.C. last week

Joshua James
window washer

Robert Minuta
tatoo parlor owner; High School graduate

Stewart Rhodes
Stewart Rhodes grew up in the Southwest and joined the Army after finishing high school. He became a paratrooper, receiving an honorable discharge due to an injury in a night parachuting accident. Then Rhodes attended college at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, graduating in 1998. Rhodes has said that he taught street crime survival and rape prevention at the college women’s center and also worked as a certified Nevada concealed-carry firearms instructor.

After college, his first politically oriented job was supervising interns in Washington, D.C., for libertarian Ron Paul, then a Republican congressman from Texas. Rhodes subsequently attended Yale Law School, graduating in 2004, and clerked for Arizona Supreme Court Justice Michael D. Ryan. A trial lawyer and libertarian, he later volunteered on Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign.
more: SPLC

Tanios, George Pierre 39
a West Virginia sandwich shop owner

Grayden Young
an Army and Navy reserve veteran; a brother, husband and a small business owner; brother of Steele; Manager at Young Children's Academy

Laura Steele
a former High Point police officer; sister of Young

Sandra Parker

Bennie Parker*

Proud Boys: N=13 Arrestees fron Jan. 6th Assault on the Capitol
Enrique Tarrio
"Arested Proud Boys chairman has history of business failure, apparently lives with mom" (WAPO JANUARY 8, 2021)

Joseph Biggs
Ormond Beach, Florida.  is supporting his ex-wife and child.  This Wikipedia entry is a must-read: Joe Biggs.

Ethan Nordean
•Auburn, Washington.has been a Proud Boys chapter president and member of the group’s national “Elders Council.”  willing to stake the home where his wife and child were living (?)
•Proud Boy activist who was fired by his father, Mike Nordean, over his membership of the group. Mike Nordean owns Wall’s Chowder House and Wally’s Drive-In in Des Moines, Washington.

Zachary Rehl
Zach Rehl biography: 13 things about Proud Boys member from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Charles Donohoe
presidents of his local Proud Boys chapter

Ashlock, Ryan
Gardner, Kansas.  Kansas City metro chapter of the Proud Boys

Chrestman, William

DECARLO, Nicholas
In some photos, DeCarlo was seen with Nicholas Ochs, one of the founders of Hawaii’s chapter of the Proud Boys, neofascist group.
In addition to his work for Murder the Media, DeCarlo said he also worked trading bitcoin online currency.
DeCarlo said he was not a member of the Proud Boys. But he said the Proud Boys had raised money for his defense
posible Grifter
GARCIA, Gabriel Augustin
a former U.S. Army captain, a 2020 candidate for the Florida State House and a reported member of the Proud Boys  /  ran for Florida House District 116 as a Trump backer

A San Francisco freelance web developer who calls himself a Proud Boy and has an extensive history of COVID denialism has been charged for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Goodwyn has a large digital footprint. According to his personal website, he attended City College of San Francisco and works as a freelance web and app developer. He lists Jews for Jesus as one of his clients and, strangely, posts links to everything from his Gab, Parler, Venmo and Pandora accounts to his dating app profiles.

On his Twitter account Goodwyn claimed in September he was "arrested and cited" for not wearing a mask on Muni. Afterward, he posted video of himself on YouTube, maskless, reading a statement in front of the Hall of Justice. In it, he repeats a number of lies about the coronavirus pandemic, including denying it outright and falsely claiming COVID vaccines will contain "a microchip.”

He used the citation to fundraise for himself on a Christian crowd-funding site used by other far-right extremists like Stop the Steal founder Ali Alexander. Goodwyn raised $1,689 of his $5,000 goal.

Greeson, Kevin
On Jan. 4, Kelly allegedly wrote, “I’ll be with ex NYPD and some proud boys. This will be the most historic event of my life.”
Read this: The Radicalization of Kevin Greeson.

KELLY, Christopher M.
works for a fixed wireless company in Cedar Rapids

Pezzola, Dominic
“The Proud Boy Who Smashed a US Capitol Window Is a Former Marine”                     The Aquinas Institute in a suburb of Rochester, New York.               

One person who has known Pezzola for over 20 years described him as a hardworking father of two daughters whose politics grew increasingly extreme over the last two years.  VICE News attempted to contact Pezzola via phone numbers connected to his business

  “Out of everyone in our class, I would have picked him out as a domestic terrorist,” one classmate, who asked to remain anonymous for her safety, told VICE News. “He was always a bit machismo,” remarked another, who had the same request for anonymity.

Pezzola, of Rochester, N.Y., also has been named in state tax warrants totaling more than $40,000 over the past five years, according to public records. His attorney declined to comment.

the Base Speaks: Three Telephone Threats
Eric Swalwell
Fred Upton
Debbie Dingell